CLASSIC DIDGERIDOOS ITALIANO Con un didgeridoo in vetroresina, dimentica le preoccupazioni per crepe, umidità, sbalzi termici […]
Remember, even though almost all contemporary didgeridoo makers advertise their instruments as suitable for any style, […]
“Se ho visto più lontano, è perché stavo sulle spalle di giganti.” Isaac Newton Ringrazio i […]
Mi chiamo Andrea Ferroni, sono nato nel dicembre del 1977 a Torino. Mi sono diplomato come […]
Are you intrigued by the art of crafting didgeridoos but find yourself overwhelmed with questions? Whether you're a novice or an experienced builder, our workshop offers answers to your inquiries and provides a platform to enhance your skills and confidence. For beginners, we address common concerns such as material selection, shape design, and sound optimization. Experienced builders can refine their techniques and explore advanced concepts to elevate their craftsmanship. Through personalized guidance and hands-on support, participants can create bespoke didgeridoos tailored to their preferences. Our comprehensive program covers essential topics including acoustics, psychoacoustics, and didgeridoo design. We delve into the science behind sound resonance, harmonic manipulation, and the psychological impact of music. Participants also have the opportunity to enroll in specialized courses, such as CAD-CAM design and CNC machining, to further expand their knowledge. Join us for an enriching journey into the world of didgeridoo crafting. Whether you're seeking to hone your skills or embark on a new passion, our workshop provides the tools and guidance you need to succeed. For more information and booking, contact us at: Email: WhatsApp: 0039 3385812914 Don't miss the chance to unlock your full potential as a didgeridoo artisan. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards mastering this ancient art form.
Sponsor e partner Macchine CNC, Robot e prototipi per il settore industriale e di ricerca. Stiamo valutando […]
DATE: 26th August Timing: from 10 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. This workshop is thought for sharing […]
2 GIORNI – Workshop Intensivo di Didgeridoo   8 e 9 Ottobre 2016 Luogo: Regione Montebruno 2/A […]
It is never easy to decide who’s the best in an artistic competition. Is  it possible […]
    Quando: sabato 3 e domenica 4 Ottobre 2015 dalle 10 alle 13 e dalle 15 […]
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