Quando: sabato 3 e domenica 4 Ottobre 2015
dalle 10 alle 13 e dalle 15 alle 18 di entrambi i giorni.
Open stage: sabato sera ore 21, riservato agli iscritti

Dove: Arti e Tradizioni, Garzigliana To, come arrivare: http://www.artietradizioni.it/contatti.html

Cibo e pernottamento: è possibile mangiare e dormire in sede ad un costo contenuto.

Contributo: 100€/persona

PRENOTAZIONI: info@windproject.it


Concerto Venerdì 2 Ottobre. Ore 21
Contributo concerto: 10€


Didgeridoo Workshop topics are separated into several sub topics…

Simple and enjoyable side of didgeridoo playing
– Relaxing exercises that get us into the mood for playing didgeridoo and also warm up our bodies
– Meditative side of playing and its connection to breathing
– How to remove obstacles from the body, things that annoy us and enjoy fully the flow of air…

Good basics for all levels of playing
– How to form really rich and powerful drone and trumpet tones- where is the secret?
– Basic motorics of didgeridoo playing- essential movements of the inner body for powerful and expressive playing- how to make difficult actions simple by doing the right movement?
– Didgeridoo orchestra- basics of parallel playing – how it is done?
– Exercises for strenghtening body and extending control of didgeridoo playing- how to play what we really want to play and not what happens by accident?

Uncovering the full potential of didgeridoo
– Expressive power of didgeridoo- how to get out with the sound the idea that is in our mind?
– Unleashing Creativity- how to encourage our own creativity and “think outside the box”- what are the “tricks” to come to an original ideas?
– Principles of composition- how to use some simple guidelines in creating expressive songs on didgeridoo?
– Open questions – from how to get the drone right to how to play this- http://youtu.be/qhaKPzs7Jsw

Dubravko Lapaine is dedicated to exploring the maximum human potential of expression through didgeridoo. He has taught his principles to thousands of people during 15 years around Europe. But first and foremost, he is teaching himself on a daily basis how to uncover beauty of didgeridoo sounds by inner body balance & power. This dedicated approach has created countless exercises to address different types of body and mind awakening. In the workshop the exercises get very personalized, depending of what is the most efficient way of learning. Since this journey is long it is easier not to learn alone all the time and Dubravko is happy to have companions on every unique and dedicated didgeridoo workshop. Listen to the live recording ( http://youtu.be/qhaKPzs7Jsw ) for more inspiration.



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