🇮🇹 Il didgeridoo è uno strumento estremamente versatile che può essere personalizzato per soddisfare una vasta gamma di preferenze e esigenze. Tuttavia, è importante notare che alcune di queste necessità possono entrare in conflitto tra loro, a causa delle leggi fondamentali della fisica.

A titolo esemplificativo, elenchiamo in ordine di importanza:

  • La forma e il timbro dello strumento: possono facilitare alcune tecniche specifiche.
  • La nota desiderata: è possibile scegliere qualsiasi nota con intonazione a 440 o 432 Hz, a seconda delle preferenze.
  • Il materiale: sia in legno che in vetroresina o carbonio sono opzioni valide. Il materiale scelto può influenzare sensazioni tattili ed estetiche, pur senza alterare il suono.
  • La divisibilità in parti: in caso affermativo, in quanti segmenti dovrebbe essere diviso lo strumento?
  • La necessità di cambiare la nota durante l’esecuzione: è sufficiente un intervallo di 5 semitoni, o sono richiesti più tonalità?
  • Lo spessore:  può influire sulle sensazioni tattili ed estetiche, senza incidere sul suono.
  • Il colore.

Sotto trovate alcuni lavori fatti su misura per o con i soci di “Arti e Tradizioni”.

🇬🇧 The didgeridoo is an extremely versatile instrument that can be customized to meet a wide range of preferences and needs. However, it’s important to note that some of these requirements may conflict with each other due to the fundamental laws of physics.

By way of example, we list in order of importance:

  • The shape and timbre of the instrument, consequently facilitating specific techniques
  • The desired note: you can choose any note with a tuning of 440 or 432 Hz, depending on your preferences.
  • The material: both wood and fiberglass or carbon are valid options. The chosen material can influence tactile and aesthetic sensations without altering the sound.
  • Divisibility into parts: if so, how many segments should the instrument have?
  • The need to change the note during performance: is a 5-semitone interval sufficient, or are more keys required?
  • The thickness: it can affect tactile and aesthetic sensations without impacting the sound.
  • The color.

Below, you will find some custom-made works created for or with the members of ‘Arti e Tradizioni’


“E Major” scale Didgeridoo designed with CADSD

This didgeridoo, created in collaboration with Frank Geipel, represents one of the most advanced approaches to crafting tuned didgeridoos, focusing on sound characteristics and playability. The primary goal was to design an easy-to-play didgeridoo capable of producing clear toots and staccato sounds with an aggressive and vibrant tone

“Reverse” the sax didgeridoo, made on “Sonorus” D shape

The playability and color tone are equivalent to that of a straight didgeridoo. However, here we offer improved aesthetics, ergonomics and enhanced portability.

Watch how “Reverse” was made step by step. Click HERE

“Spiral” didgeridoo

This custom didgeridoo was crafted for a musician based in California who required a spiral-shaped didgeridoo with the capability to accommodate a frame drum on its right side for right-hand play. Notably, the playability and color tone are slightly more brilliant compared to the ‘Sonorus,’ thanks to a slightly smaller bell size, measuring 10 cm (2 cm less than the Sonorus). This design adjustment also enhances the instrument’s ergonomics. Nothing in our craftsmanship is left to chance.

Folding Didgeridoos

There’s no need for complexity in explanation. This is unequivocally the best choice for travelers. The use of joints in splitting the didgeridoo makes it convenient to carry with you anytime. Importantly, this design alteration doesn’t compromise aspects like color tone, playability, and more.

Slide Didgeridoos

While slide didgeridoos are achievable with any shape, it’s common for makers to employ simple cylindrical pipes, which can potentially affect the playability of the instrument, particularly at higher key notes or with larger bores. However, here, we begin with our variable section on a large neck, ensuring optimal playability and versatility.

In the following example, our standard neck dimensions permit the use of cylindrical pipes. However, the need for an extensive key note range necessitated a longer slide. Unfortunately, this extended slide could potentially compromise playability and sound quality. A more effective solution was the inclusion of a range extender. For a deeper understanding of this concept, the following video provides additional theoretical insights.

In the next example, the use of telescopic pipes is a more conventional approach, enabling the player to access a broad spectrum of key notes. Before crafting this instrument, I consulted with the musician to identify the specific key notes he frequently used in his music. With this information in mind, my primary goal was to enhance the sound quality within that specific, shorter range.



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